
Your Health Journey

Each person has unique needs based on their genetics, personal preferences, current health issues and commitment to change. I work with clients one-on-one to help you achieve your personal nutritional goals.

Healthy Weight Management

Eating properly should be easy, right? Unfortunately, it isn’t. I work with individuals who are struggling or frustrated with their weight, or have medical challenges with matters such as blood sugar, cholesterol, digestive issues and more…

Disease Prevention and Treatment

Managing your blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, digestive health, food intolerances or eating disorders is difficult for any one. I can help you implement a personalized plan designed to balance your eating, reduce medications and move you closer to your health goals.

My Background

Hi, I'm Catherine

I’m a Registered Dietitian and Clinical Nutritionist who is passionate about helping my clients make healthy eating a natural part of their lifestyle. I want you to learn how to nourish your body and love yourself in the process.

My Approach

Nutrition for Real Life

You know your body best. My goal is to provide you with evidence-based, compassionate support so that you can develop eating patterns that promote all aspects of your health and well-being. Healthy eating shouldn’t cause stress, guilt, or anxiety, which is why I practice a non-diet, real life approach to helping you live your best life.

Nutrition Coaching

Expert Advice & Coaching

Are you looking for help with weight loss, managing chronic conditions, or digestion issues? Are you feeling low in energy and looking for a nutritional boost? Let’s work together to help you achieve your personal nutrition goals.

  • Mindful Eating/ developing a healthy relationship with food
  • Weight loss, weight gain, and body composition management
  • Nutrition during pregnancy and post-partum
  • Chronic disease management: Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc.
  • Gut & Digestive Health: Crohns, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Managing disordered eating patterns (including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa)
  • Women’s Health & Lifecycle: PCOS,
  • Pregnancy, Post-partum, Menopause
  • Correcting nutrient deficiencies
  • Nourishing ways to be vegetarian and vegan
  • Food Allergies/ Intolerances
  • Exercise as movement you love vs. punishment for what you ate or to earn your calories